

replica watches rolex submariner review

hi guys it’s Dylan from or in buy again with another replica watches review. And today we’re looking at comparison, between the replica Rolex GMT master 2 and the Rolex submariner both specifically in.

if you haven’t seen our reviews of these, watches already then go check them out, so let’s look at some rough history, behind both watches the GMT was designed, in nineteen fifty twelve released in. 1954 for pilots to be able to switch, between time zones when traveling on.

Long flights the replica Submariner is designed for diving so dive watch and it has a depth endurance to 300 meters it shows. You increment for decompression stops it also shows you an elapsed time on the bezel for how long you’ve been diving, for both of them really easy to use and great for their purposes so let’s dive.

straight into the differences between, the two watches the case is very similar, on both phones the Submariner was, released in 1953 and then the GMT in, 1954 and since then the cases have, remained pretty much exactly the same the only tiny difference that.

I’ve noticed on the actual cases is the crown guards on the Submariner slightly, larger than the crown guards on the GMT, but that’s all I noticed the bezels, obviously the biggest difference on.

these replica watches and you can see the 24-hour bezel you’ve got on the GMT and, then your increment dive time on the Savona the numbers on the Submariner, much smaller than the numbers on the GMT, which I prefer but I think the GMT has, much more of a sporty look to some area, has got more of like a refined subtle, look the dials also kind of different, but pretty similar in general both of, them have this maxi doll look with the big indices the big round indices in the triangles your date windows are, identical and one of the biggest. differences on the dial is you have a fourth hand on the GMT which is your GMT, hand which I really like that some. triangle look with the green I think, it’s a really nice look most of these, watches have loomed on the hand or parts of the hand and on the indexes on the dial the bracelets are slightly, different on these and both of them are, standard oyster bracelets but the, bracelet on the Submariner is all, brushed whereas on the GMT you’ve got, brushed assonance and then polished.

centerlink, I like the bracelet on the GMT with that, polished dental ink I think it looks, smart but personally I prefer that, subtle look with the brush defect I. think it looks more refined much sharper, a cleaner design I think it’s more like, our sports what should, a perfect utility piece I think the GMT, is edging on more of a dressy look with, that shiny part and I just not a massive, fan of super shiny watches so that, brushed effect on Submariner looks. really nice to me I find the somewhere a, little bit more understated I personally, prefer the submariners but I also can, appreciate the shiny Center links I, think then it’s really nice with the, watch the clasp on the GMT is much, smaller than the clasp on the Submariner. and that’s because the Submariner has a, glide lock clasp meaning that you can, adjust the size of the bracelet with, ease and speed so that it can go over, the top of a wetsuit just before you, dive in I much prefer that clasp because, it’s so much better for everyday wear if.

your wrist expands a little bit in the, hot weather then you can adjust it super. easily again go check out the Sun our, interview if you haven’t seen it already, on the GMT this clasp is the standard, oyster clasp really good class they last, for ages I like the simple mechanics, behind it and it always feels really, solid the clasp on the GMT does have a, easy link which gives you five mil of, extension but obviously not as much, adjustability as the glide lock system.

On the replica Rolex Submariner setting the date on, the Submariner is much easier than it is, on the GMT because he is actually its, position on the crown where you can, control just the date window loanwords.

On the GMT you have to cycle through two hours on that hour hand in order to, change the date that’s a little bit, tedious but not massive compromise changing the time on these replica watches is pretty similar though water resistance. The GMT is water resistant to 100 meters, and the submariners water resistant to, 300 liters so it’s obviously fit for, purpose and it needs to have that water, resistance rose the GMT doesn’t, necessarily need that most use the trip, lock crowd as well these watches are so, similarly it pretties difficult to tell, the difference between them from a distance and to the untrained eye they, would probably look the exact same in, terms of who they’re better for I think, if you travel a lot then the GMT is much, better for you because that feature is, actually incredibly useful about GMT, feature having those dual time zones and, be able to switch between them so easily, as well if you’re making international, calls a lot or dealing with people in,


other parts of the world for business, I’d say the GMT is an amazing that we’ll, watch – has I find it’s much more useful, than the Submariner because, the Submariner only, he shows you an apt primer I mean maybe, good for timing things but you can also, do the same on a GMT so not really got, an advantage over the fake GMT I like, the simplicity of the Submariner replica watch it looks, much more subtle and simple compared to, the GMT that GMT bezel is much louder, and obvious than the submariners, submarine is more refined and detailed, and small I also like the uncluttered, look of the dial on the Submariner, whereas on the GMT you once you’ve got, that extra hand which is not massively, significant actually quite like that, hand there but I do like that simple, appearance on the Submariner ones not, necessarily better than the other unless, you’re looking at it for purpose and, obviously the purpose of the GMT is to, show you different time zones and it’s, great for doing that and Submariner.


purpose of that is showing you an elapsed, time on how long you’ve dived for and, also showing you where to ascend through, formal decompression stops and it’s, great at doing that in fact that they, were released one year after the other, have a feeling what it looks like to me, is that Rolex took that Pan Am request, to make a watch for the pilots and I, think they probably just took a Submariner case and put a GMT movement, inside and put a new bezel on and then, said here you go I could be totally, wrong with that’s what it looks like to, me I personally prefer the history, behind the Submariner I think it’s cool, with the Bond history and the people, at Warner I think is I think it’s more, rich in history compared to the GMT I, like the aviation side but I think the submarine has got a more interesting, background I did use to prefer the GMT, and I got a Submariner and I actually, really like the simplicity of the Submariner it’s not so classic they’re, much more common than the GMT as well, and coming on to that they actually hold, their money better than me the GMT, that’s not just hold they have better, growth of money as well the retail value, of a GMT of a Submariner is actually a little bit more than the GMT even though, GMT s obviously more complicated and than, the actual growth on the Submariner is, better than well they end up being worth, more money than the GMT it’s a very hard, decision to choose between the two of, them they’ve both got such subtle, differences but overall they’re pretty, much the same watch just with.

the different movements, so overall really comes down to personal, preference if you’re looking for, something that’s going to grow value, better and it’s easier to sell then I, say the submariners your better option, because they’re much easier to sell, they’re slightly more common as well and, also they sell for better products but, the GMT is more practical for everyday, and it could be a really useful, tool, comments down below let us know which, one you prefer Submariner or GMT and, stay tuned for more watch reviews also, we’ve got an update to the website.